Semenovski Lifeguard: Immaculately turned out, these elite guards have excellent morale and are superb when used against skirmish troops and artillery. Life Hussars: Sabre-armed light cavalry, the Life Hussars are powerful on the charge and effective in melee combat. Luetzow's Freikorps: Swift light cavalry, the riders of Luetzows Freikorps are excellent in melee and on the charge. Archduke Charles' Legion: This highly-disciplined line infantry regiment excels at weapons drill and accuracy. Call of Duty: Black Ops Cold War isnt your mother Russias Black Ops game. Coldstream Guards: Disciplined, well-trained and respected, these elite foot guards inspire nearby troops in battle. Unit Descriptions: - Lifeguard Hussars: This fast light cavalry unit is best used for dealing with skirmishers and artillery who can attack from long range.